サボタージュDEF[Sabotage DEF/ALL]

販売価格: 8,250円(税別)
(税込: 9,075円)
重み: 10
der-materialspezialist SABOTAGEは、通常のピンプルインサイドラバーに基づいていますが、新しい製造プロセスとの組み合わせで、ほぼ無摩擦を持っているユニークで新しいゴム化合物を、持っています。
der-materialspezialist SABOTAGE is based on a normal pimple-inward rubber but has a unique and new rubber compound, which in combination with a new manufacturing process, nearly has no friction.
The defensive oriented version with the classic dampening sponge allows control optimized play even with a thinner sponge thickness at the table and from a distance. Hereby the classic pushblock creates spinny blocks and also allows for disruptional side swipes which should assure a point.The control is enormously high due to the newly developed thin top-rubber.
The best spin reversal you get with 0,5 mm.
The 1,5 mm version is the slowest.The 1,0 mm version is a perfect compromise.